How To Start An Online Business in UK:
Ultimate Guide To Starting & Growing A Business Online

Starting an online business in the UK is not tough, however you must know the right steps and understand how to start an online business.

The internet allows people to start multiple online businesses with a domain name and a simple blog or website. Learning how to start a blog with WordPress is one of the fundamental skills to starting out online with this free CMS.

You can learn how to start a personal blog here or how to create a website here. You will find many guides on the web covering how to start running an online business but this comprehensive guide with practical and detailed steps and instructions to follow should provide you with a head start.

Find useful resources and expert tips to learn online business skills for free. So, make sure you go through it fully while taking notes, because at the end awaits you access to all the SeekaHost University courses as well as the option to register your .uk or domain for just £3.65 to get started immediately.

advice to start an online business
online business ideas

The Online Business Fairytale

Back in the year 1993, a little-known entrepreneur founded a Company called Global Beach. His name was Clive Jackson.

At a time when the internet was still in its infancy stage, Global Beach Ltd offered digital solutions to businesses and startups; Jackson clearly observed a business opportunity and built on it even as the digital age would later unfold right in front of the world’s eyes.

Today, Global Beach Limited is one of the leading digital marketers in the UK, their client list boasts of some reputable brands like Jaguar, Unilever, Hewlett Packard, among others. But that is not the beauty of it all.

Today, Jackson owns/or has founded 17 other Companies including a Private Jet Chartering company valued at around £20m.  He’s one of the most successful digital marketers in the country, a pioneer of many feats.

Now, let us come back to you.

Are you thinking of starting an online business in the UK? Or have you already started one, but need more ideas on how to grow and expand?

Well, this guide is for you. So many technological advancements have been made. You can start an online business on your mobile phone or any other handheld device. The internet is full of tutorials and guides on how to start an online business. But for this guide, we want to take you step by step while giving practical examples and advice on the best online business ideas. Let’s start from the basics.

What is an online business?

An online business, also referred to as an e-business, refers to any kind of business activity conducted over the internet/online.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re selling goods or a service; as long as you’re doing it online, then yours can be correctly described as an online business.For instance, if you’re selling your services online, posting and promoting your brand online, replying to customer queries online; then you are running an online business.

One of the most interesting features of an online business, and one that distinguishes it from the traditional brick-and-mortar business, is that you can start your business with no money. Yes, that’s right! The internet is an equalizer and ideas are more important than money.

In 2016, the total sales of goods and services transacted online stood at around £484 billion. Today, that number has risen by double digits as more and more online entrepreneurs venture into this sector.

online business strategist
  • From posting ads on Facebook about products you are selling, creating a business website, opening an e-commerce platform to receive payments; online business is simple and cheap to manage.
  • Look, you could have a skill that you wish to make money from, from the confines of your home or office. This could be online tutoring, online gym and aerobics instructors, and online relationship coaches, to mention a few.
  • All these are scalable online businesses that are paying bills for many entrepreneurs.

Have a look at this list of the top 100 online business ideas you can start with little or no money.

Why start an online business?

There are numerous reasons and factors for starting an online business. Often, most people start online businesses as a side hustle to augment their main jobs. Others venture into online businesses because they have spotted a business opportunity and want to fill it fulltime. Still, others do it for passion hoping that profits will follow afterwards if they must.

Now, whatever the case, here is what you need to understand. The internet and online platforms are the future of human interactions. Various day to day life tasks are being completed online and you should have this on your radar as an emerging businessman.

Think about these quick facts for a moment.

  • As the world eagerly anticipates the launch of 5G technology, it is estimated that this will change the world; we’ll know internet connectivity in ways one would never have imagined.
  • According to NASDAQ estimates, 95% of all purchases will be transacted via e-commerce by the year 2040.
  • About 52% of British workers aren’t happy with their current pay.
planing to start business online

What do these 3 factors tell you? They tell you that that technology is on your side, that the future is in e-commerce, and that you have the power within your hands to be your own boss and determine what you want to earn.

The question is not so much about how to start an online business with no money; instead, it is about when to start! And the time is now!

Stop waiting until the employer “comes for their legs”; there are numerous online business ideas you can start without a penny in your pocket.

Do not wait for the perfect moment, seize the moment, and make it perfect.

Easiest Internet Business Opportunities to Get Started Online.

Which is the best online business I can start in the UK? This is one of the most prominent questions among many people. Truth is that all online businesses are good. You just need to know your interests, niche, and requirements of starting the business.

There are three areas you can never go wrong with when doing business: food, clothing, and entertainment. Humans will always need to eat, dress nicely, and get entertained!

Have you ever considered starting a clothing business online? The average Briton spends about £ 1000 each year buying new clothes and shoes. Collectively, about £ 26bn is injected into the UK economy annually from the fashion industry. And guess what? The internet is the spoon with which you too can have a bite of thus sumptuous pie. Start by opening social media accounts like Facebook, Snapchat, WhatsApp, etc. Setting up an eCommerce website or e-shop is also recommendable with an affordable domain. Post images and photos of clothes you’re selling to share with friends and the world. Nowadays, Facebook ads can enable you to reach hundreds or thousands of customers daily within your geographical locality. Engage and speak to your customers online. Once you’ve sealed a deal, you just deliver the clothes or shoes and get paid. There are numerous, reputable UK wholesale suppliers of clothes, where you buy your stock and resell at a profit. They include Parisian (ladies’ clothes), Influence Fashion (latest, trendy fashion), Chinabrand (affordable clothing), and so many more. You can also offer unique or individualised clothing items through print-on-demand websites like Printify or Printful that seamlessly integrate with your online store.

Do you love books and are passionate about exchanging them with other book lovers? Thanks to sites like Yahoo Stores, eBay, and Amazon, you can make money online by starting an online bookstore. First, choose your business name and register it so you can get the required permits and licenses. Next, open an account on eBay or Amazon and register as a seller. Create a listing on eBay or Amazon and include nice photos of the book’s cover. Indicate the book’s condition, its price, payment options, and how it’ll be shipped. Check out this comprehensive guide on how to start an online bookstore business in the UK or find out how to make money by self-publishing ebooks.

Are you a teacher or tutor or do you have a skill or a talent that you want to pass on? There are numerous institutions and clients out there who’d pay you to offer your expertise online and you can also find many online tutoring platforms that offer paid virtual tutoring. Alternatively, you can start your own online tutoring business through your own website that facilitates the connection of students with tutors via the internet, and sessions carried out in real time. It should ideally be an eCommerce website where your clients can make payments.

Have you heard of a 7 year old who was the highest paid YouTube earner, raking in over $22m in 2018? Well, at least now you know what’s happening on the internet. Never mind that the kid earned that by reviewing toys in a ‘funny and entertaining’ manner. If you enjoy entertaining people while recording yourself, no matter your talent, you can turn it into gold via the popular streaming channel. It could be a comedy show, a cooking show, and you can even make money with gaming. Sponsors will want you to promote their brand if you have a huge following. Some of the leading YouTube earners here in the UK include names like Daniel Middleton, Dude Perfect, Logan Paul, and many more.

There are numerous other business ideas out there; you can start an online jewelry business, dropship online business, events, and management online business, to mention but a few.

Should You Start an Online Business?

Just like any other type of business, an online business requires strategic planning, patience, persistence, and ethics.

You should start an online business if:

  • You’ve done your market research and noted a business opportunity
  • Are patient and perseverant
  • Have the time to dedicate to your online business
  • Superfast internet and a computer or Smartphone
  • Have integrity (honesty is the best policy in any business)

Always acquaint yourself sufficiently with the local laws and regulations pertaining to starting a business such as how to start a limited company.

Get any permits and licenses you will require and pay your taxes too.

thinking about starting online business

How to Start an Online Business (10 Steps to Follow)?

start by crafting a business plan. What online business do you want to venture into? Pick a unique business name, get a logo to help brand your business. A business logo helps distinguish you from competitors as well as build brand loyalty.

Here, your market research will entail not just the online business opportunities, but also the consumer trends. Which demographic are you targeting?  What methods/platforms will you use to promote and market your brand? Where do you plan to source the goods you will sell, any stores around that can sell at wholesale prices?

The beauty of starting an online business is that you can do it from your home or office. Whichever way ensure that you have invested in super-fast broadband. You may need a desk and other office furniture, receipt books, a new laptop, and so on. Other infrastructural arrangements include creating a business website, e-commerce payment options, to mention a few.

The next step will involve registering your business. Is it a solo business, do you have partners, what is your physical address? All these details must be registered with HM Revenue and Customs. You can see the complete guide of the requirements for starting an online business in UK.  You can register a Limited company for as little as £12 if you’re doing it online.

There’s a reason you see major brands launching a new product with a bang. Similarly, your online business should be launched in a vibrant manner. Let the consumers know that there is a new kid on the block. This can include giving offers and discounts to woo customers. If you are bidding for online tutoring jobs, drop as many applications as possible.  You don’t have to get media attention and all that; but ensure that you launch your startup on a high note.

Consistency means that once customers and consumers know that you offer a certain service or good, they should always count on you. Think of customers who go for lunch at a restaurant. If the restaurant opens each day then close for a day or two, chances are that the customers will find another eatery. In any online business, always be consistent in what you are doing; being online, regular updates on social media pages, replying to customer queries, etc.

There is a lot you can learn by observing what other players in the industry are doing. For your online business to succeed, you will need to be unique and always be a step ahead of competitors. You will never achieve those unless you keep an eye on them and learn what you need to improve on.

Research done by Google shows that 75% of all Smartphone users always do a quick search on the main search engines, before making a major decision like shopping. So, get an SEO consultant who is skilled enough to help your online business site get top rankings on search engines. Top rankings increase chances of finding new customers and turning clicks into conversions. Or learn SEO and digital marketing yourself.

Do not limit yourself to starting an online business then sit back and wait for profits. You need to diversify and venture into multiple businesses. For instance, an online gym instructor can also make extra money writing eBooks on fitness. You can still sell clothes online and have a fashion blog, YouTube channel, and so on. Hope you get the drift.

One of Britain’s top entrepreneurs, Sir Philip Green, left school at the age of15. He started by importing jeans from abroad and selling them to London retailers. For a man who started his business with £20,000, he is now worth £2bn and owns high end chains like Topshop, Burton, and Miss Selfridge. Main lesson here is that; never be afraid of starting small, never ever give up. Starting an online business in the UK is just the easy step, you’ll need to hang in there and make things work out.

How to Do Online Business the Right Way So You Succeed?

So, you have now started your online business and are optimistic everything will work out. What are the dos and don’ts of operating an online business?

Well, online businesses are inherently dangerous because you are transacting online. At times, you are dealing with customers and clients you haven’t met, and you must trust them. The internet is full of cons and scammers looking for naïve people to prey on.

Here is what you should always remember.

Safety first

Over £190,000 is lost daily to scammers and cons across the UK. This is according to police statistics. Most of these crimes happen when criminals prey on your social media and email accounts with. As an online businessperson chances are that you will do a lot of posting on social media as well as email exchanges. Thus, take time to acquaint yourself with basic online etiquette.

Never be naïve

As is the cardinal rule in online businesses, never pay for something you have not received.Likewise, don ‘t sends goods or items to a customer before they have paid. Most sites like Amazon and eBay have stringent measures in place to protect both the buyer and seller.

If you have started an online blogging business, online tutoring job or whatever you’re into; build a working relationship with your clients gradually. Bill or invoice your client without waiting for the amount to accumulate. It’s very recommendable to use escrow for some online jobs especially where you’ve never met the client.


As we mentioned, honesty is the best policy in business. Build your online brand on the altar of honesty. Don’t give fake promises; don’t give excuses once a client has paid you, and so on. It is very easy to be shamed online or even get charged if reports are made that you’re engaging in dishonest online practices.

Customer care

Good customer care is the grease without which most online businesses will grind to a halt. Get a good web designer in the UK to design a nice website complete with FAQs, and a user-friendly interface. Reply to your client queries on social media, phone, and other platforms. Customers trust your business more if you’re easily reachable and accessible.


Business networking for online businesses is very important. Try and join groups, and online communities of those in same field as you. Visit sites like Quora, Reddit, and other online communities that members share and exchange ideas. Attend business seminars especially those that bring together SMEs and upcoming startups.

Cut costs

The UK has more co-working spaces today than ever before. Instead of renting an entire office for an online job, you can consider doing that from a shared space.  Here, you’re likely to enjoy shared working space with faster broadband, also meet likeminded online entrepreneurs.

Online accounting

The internet has accounting and invoicing software you can use; no need for hard copies.  These online options make it easier to trace and keep record of your invoices and other records. On the same breath, embrace sites like DropBox if you’re handling or transferring bulky documents and files.

Keep learning

Keep learning the ropes of your online business by associating with predecessors who have made it already. There are many good-hearted role models who made it as internet entrepreneurs and who wouldn’t mind training you. They can be good coaches who’ll share lessons and practical steps on how they made it.

How to Start An Online Business from Home And Work Remotely?

With so many online business opportunities from home, the first and easiest step you’ll need to take is to design or set aside some work space in your home.

Here is how you can start an online business from home and work remotely;

There are hundreds of scalable online business ideas that you can start. However, it is important to filter out which of them are future proof. It could be an online web designing business, affiliate marketing, writing, and publishing eBooks online, making money from YouTube, and so on. But consider technological innovations and how they may automate certain jobs. Moving into new business spheres such as domaining for example, may prove lucrative. Start with an online business idea that will not cost much yet deliver gains quickly.

Don’t underestimate your online business simply because you’re doing it from your home. Creating a comfortable working space and setting up a home office is a crucial part as any online business relies on the best tools and gadgets. Check which items you’ll need: an ergonomic office desk or chair, fast broadband, digital devices, stationery, and other tools of your trade. A home office should offer a healthy balance between work and storage.

Like we mentioned earlier in this guide, take time to register your online UK business. Make sure that you have a National Insurance number, have registered with HMRC, and have already defined your business name. A business name should be reflective of the services you’ll be offering, it should also be catchy and easy to remember. You can also try online business name generator tools like Shopify.

Unlike in the traditional job setting, remote jobs and businesses are a different thing. Potential employers and clients rely on your online profile to understand what you do and what value you’re bringing to the table. Your online portfolio should contain relevant information about you such as your professional photo, skills, talents, location, rates, and other unique details. Make sure you also display past projects or assignments you’ve handled successfully; these helps convince clients and potential employers.

Remote working requires a lot of self-discipline, but also various other transferable skills that you may not have when you get started. Being disciplined, organized, a brilliant communicator and having an efficient routine/timetable to guide your daily activities are just a few of such, making you more productive and helping you grow your online business.

Stop being vague, stop using vague phrases like “I want to make 5 figure profits by end of the year.” Instead, split your goals into small achievable targets.  Also remember the SMART rule of all business goals; specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and Time.

It’s not easy making good money online unless you’ve invested well in it. By investing, this means that you have to make your brand visible and continually reach out to new audiences. Look, you may have a good business idea and all resources to get started; but the expertise to get top ranking in the search engines is a different thing all together. Top ranking enables you to compete with bigger and more established brands.  Facebook marketing, which is a form of digital marketing, has helped numerous small and medium enterprises.

All leading entrepreneurs have one thing in common; they all love their jobs and what they do. Online entrepreneurship is about being passionate and being able to visualize the outcome of what you are doing. This is what always keeps you going. Passion is what keeps you awake late into the night; it is what keeps you posting those YouTube videos even when the views are less than a hundred.  Online businesses succeed when hard work and passion come together.

Top Entrepreneurs to Inspire Online Business Skills

Iron sharpens iron; you must fly with eagles to soar like eagles. Successful businesspeople and entrepreneurs that have made it big can equip you with vital business skills.

Here are 10 people you should follow online for inspirational business skills;

01. Sir Richard Branson

Sir Richard Nicholas Branson is a renowned British business magnate. His net worth is in the billions of British pounds and he’s more synonymous with Virgin AtlanticsHe has millions of followers on twitter, LinkedIn and other social media platforms.


02. Elon Reeve Tusk

Elon Tusk is an online investor and entrepreneur with a knack for technology/engineering. He’s ranked as the 40th richest man in the world by Forbes Magazine. Although most people know Tusk for SpaceX and Tesla, the driverless car, he is also among the pioneers that made PayPal what it is today.


03. Bill Gates

Bills Gates is a billionaire by his own right and although he’s not overly active on social media, there are vital lessons you can learn from him. Most important, he inspires you to balance between work and your social life by giving back to society.

04. Monica Eaton

Monica is a British born tech entrepreneur; speaker, and author. She started her online merchant business at just 19. You can learn more about her here. She has an active twitter handle

05. Jeff Bezos

He’s the founder of Amazon, the giant e-commerce platform. Jeff Bezos is one of the richest entrepreneurs  of our times  with a net worth of over 100 Billion pounds. You can follow him on Instagram, for a start.


06. Bernard Arnault

Arnault is Europe’s richest man; he owns the fashion conglomerate LVMH. He’s a perfect inspiration and has had to take some major and decisive business decisions in his long journey.

07 Larry Page

He oversees Alphabet, which is Google’s Parent Company.  Although not very active on social media, he maintains presence on twitter and a few other online platforms.

08. Mark Zuckerberg

He’s the CEO of Facebook and is an inspiration to millions of small and upcoming online entrepreneurs.  Facebook started as a small website for a few friends to share photos. Today, billions of people across the world use Facebook to connect via the web.

09. Jack Cator

With a net worth of £45 million, this 28 year old software programmer makes it to the list of the richest people in Britain under 30. He has over 1000 followers on Instagram and is an inspiration to many young, upcoming entrepreneurs in Britain.

10. Fernando Raymond

In a world where more and more people are increasingly looking for ways to earn money online, Fernando Raymond is a living godfather to many. He offers online lessons and courses SeekaHost University on SEO, digital marketing, and anything else you’d need to make your brand excel. His UK based marketing agency, ClickDo, has grown from a small startup into a successful SEO agency employing tens of workers across multiple continents.

Joshua George

11. Joshua George

As the owner and founder of ClickSlice, an award-winning SEO agency based in London, Joshua George has established himself in the SEO industry not just as a consultant but also as an SEO trainer and lecturer. His courses are taken by thousands on eLearning platforms like Future Learn and Udemy and he also offers live SEO one-day training courses. He has certainly built successful online businesses and is not slowing down by any means.


12. Craig Campbell

As a Glasgow based SEO expert Craig has been in the SEO online business for 18 years, so he understands how to make a name for himself, which is why he also offers services like “online reputation management”. He’s a master when it comes to affiliate marketing, which is something every online business owner should know about. Craig has also established himself as a speaker and instructor with a successful YouTube channel where nearly 100k subscribers listen to him daily.


13. Deepak Shukla

The founder of the Pearl Lemon Group, has managed to diversify his Pearl Lemon SEO services into other divisions such as Pearl Lemon LeadsPearl Lemon AccountantsPearl Lemon PropertiesPearl Lemon Web, for example, demonstrating that an online business can offer so many opportunities to branch out. He clearly is a super achiever having run 5 ultramarathons and 33 marathons in 20+ countries, topping it off by completing an Ironman having never ridden a road bike.

Why Blogging Is One of The Best Ways to Start an Online Business?

A blog is an online journal or diary on a website and one can build several to create a private blog network. The contents of a blog can include anything from plain text to videos, photos, graphics, GIFs and social media posts.

Blogging started primarily for private and personal services where people could share experiences.

But online markets have noted the efficiency of blogging as a marketing tool and the list of the top UK bloggers underlines this.

Nowadays, blogging is one of the most lucrative online money-making businesses that you can do remotely.

If you have a way with words, are thoroughly informed on a certain topic, then you can sell your content in the form of a blog.

Blogging helps update content regularly, which in turn increases traffic to a website.

Here are 4 good reasons why blogging is one of the best ways to start an online business while working from home:

Blogging Is One of The Best Ways to Start an Online Business

Most upcoming online entrepreneurs start with little money to get started. Blogging is easy, it’s one of the few online businesses you can start with a small investment. All that you’ll need is a laptop, a solid internet connection, an affordable domain with web hosting, and the ability to write good content.

As a blogger, you get to determine how and when you want to work. Some sites will require that you submit blogs daily, weekly, or after every few weeks.  In between researching and writing your selected topics, you can indulge on other quick money making activities.

The best blog content is generated when you’re in a quiet, serene environment. A home office offers you such qualities; you can wake up in the middle of the night to chronicle that travel story you’re working on.

Running a blog for your brand on your website helps with SEO and brand marketing. By regularly updating your blog with relevant topics or questions your customers might ask, your website will rank on search engines for related terms. You can also contribute blog articles related to your business to other websites and even get paid for it. Here’s a perfect place to start looking for remote and flexible freelance blogging jobs.

Did we say that online entrepreneurship is all about passion and loving what you do? There are so many niches, from travel and tourism, finance, health, sports, dog lovers, car lovers, and so much more. Most bloggers do it for the passion of the subject, the money factor comes second.

Bloggers also earn money from products and brands via affiliate marketing. If your blogs have a huge following and readers love what you do, affiliate marketing enables you to kill two birds with one stone.

There we go, you have no excuse for not getting started with blogging. Blogging is easy and cheap, it is a good way to make money online and to start your online business in the comfort of your home or while traveling as a digital nomad.

What Are the Best Ways to Earn Money Online Fast?

Have a look at this list of 20 of the best ways to earn money online fast. These are money making activities you can indulge in from your home, with little or no capital.

  • Copy writing: get paid £10-£200 to write a 1000 article on sites like Baby Hoth, TextBroker, etc.
  • Web design: get paid to design websites online
  • Blogging: bloggers earn from their sites and affiliate marketing
  • Animation: animation jobs include
  • Data entry
  • Transcription
  • Tutoring
  • Social media influencers
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Computer programmer/troubleshooter
  • Airbnb and business
  • Online jewelry business: checkout sites like this.
  • Online surveys
  • Market research
  • Online forex trading
  • Silver of time
  • Selling online ads
  • Translating jobs
  • Virtual assistant
  • Editing

These are just 20 examples of easy online businesses you can start.  Some will require you to have the professional skills, others like blogging are about passion, while affiliate marketing can be taught to almost everyone with the entrepreneurial curiosity.

How SeekaHost Can Help You Start A Business Online?

SeekaHost is a leading web services company in the UK and offers domains names, web hosting services for startups and small businesses to get online.

So, if you’re looking to start and launch your online business in this year you can join SeekaHost take your online business journey.

The SeekaHost University provides digital marketing courses which you can start learning on the go.

You can create an account at SeekaHost here and request for the course access.

The thing with most online business courses is that everything starts and ends online, very rarely do you find a trainer or agency with a physical address that is willing to meet you one on one for practical lessons.

Should You Start an Online Business

SeekaHost Online Business Support

As a web hosting company, SeekaHost looks at different ways it can help you start an online business. From offering the cheapest domain registrations and web hosting plans to guides and tutorials, the web host offers their customers a selection of online business support as you can see below:

Business mentorship exposes you to new ways of thinking and ideas. Seeing that starting an online business is not for the faint hearted, mentorship will come in handy in preparing you to tackle every challenge that may come your way. SeekaHost offers guides and online courses via the SeekaHost University to prepare new business owners for their online venture with digital skills. And prominent entrepreneurs like Fernando Raymond or Neil Franklin also offer their advice and mentoring via SeekaHost platforms.

As an online business owner, you will require more knowledge about the virtual or digital property market as your own business is not a brick-and-mortar business, but a website. SeekaHost regularly shares information about web hosting, online security, cloud and server technology, WordPress, and website management on the blogs. Additionally, the company has launched its own web hosting control panel, SeekaPanel, which supports business owners with managing a number of virtual properties smoothly in one interface.

SeekaHosters have written and published various extensive internet business opportunity guides to inspire all future online business entrepreneurs out there. You may have found some of them already mentioned on this page, but you can also head to the SeekaHost blogs and search for more, such as “67 Ways to make money from home”, “How to make money with blogging”, “Best ways to make money with affiliate marketing” and the list goes on and on.

SeekaHost is on a mission to bring millions of people online. With this in mind, the team have created a blog hosting control panel that makes it easy and fast to start a blog in less than 5 minutes with Inside this panel users will find a knowledgebase that provides video tutorials and guides about WordPress blogging and the best use of the panel for blogging success. Users will also have free access to the SeekaHost University, where they can take courses about blogging, blog monetization and WordPress as well as digital marketing.

The first step to setting up an online business is to have a domain name registered. Depending on the focus of your business, you may look for affordable or .com domains, which are the most sought after commercial domains and can therefore be expensive. SeekaHost offers and .com domains at the lowest price starting from just £3.65 for a domain and £4.99 for a .com domain. SeekaHost promises no hidden costs and offers reasonable renewal fees too, to ensure as a new business owner, you’re not overwhelmed with the cost of your virtual properties. Search for your ideal domain name quickly here and lay the foundation of your online business.

You want to build your online business on solid ground so that it is open to your customers 24/7. If your website suffers from down time or server lag, it impacts your business operations as customers cannot access your services or encounter longer loading times, which often leads to them leaving an online shop. SeekaHost understands that the speed and the reliability of the web hosting cannot be compromised, no matter which hosting plan you choose. With SeekaHost you have many web hosting options to provide the best tailored solution to scale your online business. You can start with basic WordPress hosting or Business hosting starting at just £1 for one website. Once your business grows, you can upgrade your hosting plan flexibly for no extra fees, you only pay for the hosting you choose. In the SeekaPanel you can do it with just a few clicks in your subscriptions section. Because SeekaHost wants to offer online business owners web hosting that keeps giving back.

As an online business owner you will quickly learn that SEO is a huge part of your business success. SeekaHost understands this and has integrated SEO analytics tools in the SeekaPanel so that any user can check their website’s live web performance on search engines. Simply add your Google Analytics or Clicky account in your SeekaPanel account and monitor all activity to ensure you business website outranks your competitors and attracts the web traffic you need to be profitable. Additionally, you will have access to SEO training courses in the SeekaPanel to boost your SEO with marketing, link building and additional measures you will have to consider growing your online venture.

Get Online and Build a Valuable Virtual Web Asset

Hopefully this comprehensive guide to starting an online business in the UK has provided you with valuable information and inspiration to get going. What excuse do you have? What are you waiting for? Seize the moment and get started online. Like we mentioned earlier in this guide, technology is on our side and things will only become more digital as we move forward. Position yourself as the next successful online entrepreneur by starting an online business you are passionate about today. Regardless of the business you are interested in, regardless of the challenges you will face, always remember that SeekaHost will support you with affordable domains and solid web hosting to lay a strong foundation to build on for a business that can thrive. And who knows, perhaps your business domain will be among these most expensive domain names one day, making you a millionaire.